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Published on: Monday, August 26, 2024 4:19 PM

As of 8/26/2024, Professional Assistance Plus has purchased the domain name For a couple years now, people could send us emails through the email addresses. Due to the length and complexity of the domain name, management and IT had noticed a large number of misdirected or bounced emails due to address misspellings. By purchasing a shorter, more concise domain name, we hope that it helps our clients contact us through email.

At this time, our website can be accessed through, or through the new domain at Similarly, our email addresses will be slowly transferred to the new domain over the next couple of weeks.

Even as the email addresses are transferred to, we will retain the domain name until 2027. We will prefer sending emails through for the foreseeable future, but if you send us emails to the old domain name, they will still reach us until 2027.