Please Note: The information provided on this page does not provide legal or tax advice. It is provided for informational purposes only. This page and information sourced or linked to from other sites herein may update, move, or be deleted at any time without warning. If you have any questions, please contact one of our accountants, or a third-party tax attorney for assistance. Do not act solely upon the information on this page, without consulting a professional first. Providing this information is not intended to implicate any relationship between us and the reader. Professional Assistance Plus makes no guarantee of the accuracy or relevancy of any information on this page.
TL;DR: The tax code is extremely complicated, and usually has more exceptions than rules. Take this information with a grain of salt, and don't do anything without consulting a professional. While we have a lot of experience with the tax code, we aren't attorneys, so legal matters should be referred to your lawyer.
At this time, we do not have any questions, but will add to this list as necessary.